Rescue Across the Stars - Rescate a través de las estrellas
Rescue Across the Stars In the distant future, humanity had colonized Mars, establishing a powerful civilization. Tensions grew between the Martian settlers and the remaining population on Earth, leading to what historians would later dub the Fourth World War. The Mars-based army launched a devastating assault on Earth, their advanced technology giving them a formidable advantage. Among the chaos and destruction, a man named Alex found himself separated from his wife, Elena, who was on Earth during the attack. He had been on a business trip to Mars when the conflict erupted, leaving them in different worlds, separated by galaxies and war. Determined to rescue his beloved wife, Alex joined a daring group of interstellar activists. They believed that peace could still be achieved, and they planned to navigate through the war-torn battlegrounds to reach Earth. Equipped with an experimental spacecraft, they embarked on a treacherous journey. As they soared through the cosmos, dodging...